Railblazer C-Tug Dinghy Wheels

Rugged – Lightweight – Easily Removable. C-TUG Dinghy Wheels are a lightweight and rugged option for transporting your dinghy up the beach, or down the boat ramp, avoiding having to carry the heavy load. Ideally suited for inflatable boat tenders or small lightweight aluminium boats. Check out the video for operation.   What You Get […]

Zodiac liferaft training

Coastguard liferaft training A recent staff training day held by Australian Volunteer Coastguard Redland Bay. The Zodiac training liferaft is the same model stowed in the white containers which can be seen on the stern canopy. We have just completed the service of the two liferafts and fourteen lifejackets for the vessel CG7. As usual […]

All new Jon Buoy Dan Buoy for 2019

Ocean Safety’s Jonbuoy man overboard recovery Dan Buoy and horseshoe range have long been a top seller for leisure sailors and boaters from coastal sailing to round the world yacht racing.  Now, for 2019, the compact casing that houses the four Jonbuoy options has been completely transformed into a new streamlined design. Jon Bouy Dan […]